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Fertilizer Nagar School


Fertilizernagar School is established in 1965 (for KG - English & Gujarati mediums), in 1966 (for primary - English & Gujarati mediums), in 1970 (for Secondary/Higher secondary - Gujarati medium) & in 1972 (for Secondary/Higher secondary - English medium) which is affiliated to Gujarat Secondary & Higher Secondary Board, Gandhinagar.

Fertilizernagar School is one of the most prominent and leading schools in Vadodara region with strength of nearly 654 (English medium) & 1558 (Gujarati medium) having total of 2212 students under the care of more than 78 teaching and 18 non-teaching staff covering Sons/Daughters of GSFC employees and surrounding villages. It is managed by the Board of Management Fertilizernagar School (BMFNS), funded by CSR of Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited (GSFC Ltd.), promoted by Government of Gujarat located in GSFC Township, Fertilizernagar-Vadodara (Gujarat).

Fertilizer School is giving, quality and quantity hand in hand Education system. With a large number of students under one umbrella, with advanced teaching techniques, well equipped infrastructure like ultra modern library & newly established physics chemistry biology and computer labs and focused attention, Fertilizernagar students excel in many spheres at State/National Level.    

Fertilizernagar School is providing the cohesive environment to the students to show their true potential and evolve into self confidence and responsible literate adults who can contribute constructive enhancement to the society.

Fertilizernagar School ensures good teaching and assessment pattern. Various tools like Audio Visual system, ATAL tickling lab and facilites for all sports activity set up are used to upgrade education system.



  • "Wider horizons with no boundaries" is the key word at Fertilizernagar School.
  • Fertilizernagar School aim to flourish knowledge to the children of GSFC employees and surrounding villages irrespective of caste, creed or religion.
  • Fertilizernagar School have helped in transforming dreams into reality by providing a platform for students to achieve their desire using their internal strength.
  • Fertilizernagar School empower students with technological skills that help them to climb the ladder of success.
  • The Teaching & Non-teaching staff under the sincere guidance and direction of the Board of Management Fertilizernagar School result in overall development of our children to fulfil their dreams and make the value oriented human beings.


  • Present Board of Management-Fertilizernagar School (BMFNS)
1 Shri K S Badlani Chairman
2 Shri M J Desai Secretary
3 Shri B S Dodiya Treasurer
4 Sm. Sunita Singh Member
5 Shri Manish M Mehta Member
6 Shri Rajesh B. Kothari Member
7 Mrs. Rita A. Shridharani Member
8 Shri. Mohmd. Juned Shaikh Member-Vali Mandal
9 Principal-Sec. Guj. Sec. Section Member-Invitee
10 Principal-Prim. Eng. Sec. Section Member-Invitee

With Effect from  January 01, 2023 to December 31, 2024



  • “The principle goal of Fertilizernagar school education is to create women/men who are capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done”.
  • Fertilizernagar school mission is to widen horizons and expand the outlook of the students through training in co-operation, consideration and teamwork.
  • Patriotic social and ethical values are also imbibed to make responsible citizens. Fertilizernagar school ensure physical, mental and moral growth of the students and create in them apathy for learning. 
  • Fertilizernagar school assists students to enjoy their leisure through healthy activities and hobbies as well as correct reading habits for a lifetime of pleasure and joy.


  • “Where a child yearns to learn”. Fertilizernagar School is the most admired and nodal centre of education with advanced academic excellence.
  • Fertilizernagar school visualizes making every child a winner and also believes in discovering and strengthening the inner potential of each individual.
  • Fertilizernagar school not only target excellence in academics, but also provide exemplary training grounds in all other fields like sports, fine-arts, performing arts, time management etc.